Geometric mean calculator

Welcome to our Geometric Mean Calculator, a quick and easy tool to help you calculate the geometric mean of a set of numbers.

\( \mathrm{ \bar{x}_{g} = \sqrt[{n}]{x_{1} \times x_{2} \times .......\times x_{n} } } \)

Result :

How to Use the Geometric Mean Calculator

  1. Enter Your Numbers: Input the numbers you want to calculate the geometric mean for. Separate them with commas or spaces.
  2. Set Rounding Precision: Specify the number of decimal places you want the result to be rounded to.
  3. Calculate: Click the "Calculate" button to see your results instantly.

What is the Geometric Mean?

The geometric mean is a measure of central tendency that is used to find the average of a set of numbers in multiplicative terms. It is particularly useful in fields such as finance, biology, and environmental science, where data sets can vary widely. The formula for the geometric mean of n numbers \(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n\) is given by:

\(\bar{x}_g = \sqrt[n]{x_1 \times x_2 \times \ldots \times x_n}\)

Why Use the Geometric Mean calculator?

Example Calculation

Consider the set of numbers: 2, 8, 4. The geometric mean is calculated as follows:

\(\bar{x}_g = \sqrt[3]{2 \times 8 \times 4} = \sqrt[3]{64} = 4\)

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