| Free Statistic Calculator for All Your Needs

Welcome to Our site provides a wide range of statistical calculators, which is helpful for students, researchers, or professionals performing various statistical tasks. 

List of Calculators:

Our site provides various statistics calculators to help you with your statistical analysis needs.

Critical value calculator

By using our critical value calculator, you can calculate the critical values of t, z, \(\chi^2\), f, and r. You don't need to look into the number of tables because our calculator will take care of this with one click. Just enter the input, and our calculator will display the result in no time.

P-value calculator

The p-value calculator is a statistical tool that helps to find the p-value for different scenarios, like the t test, the z test, the \( \chi^2 \) test, and the F test.

Hypothesis Testing

The hypothesis test calculator helps you perform various statistical hypotheses, which are mentioned below.

One sample z test hypothesis

The one-sample z test hypothesis calculator helps you perform a one sample Z test on the population's mean. 

One sample t test hypothesis

The one-sample t test hypothesis calculator helps you perform a one sample t test on the population's mean. 

One proportion z test hypothesis

The one proportion z test hypothesis calculator helps you perform a one proportion z test hypothesis on the population's proportion. 

Two proportion z test hypothesis

This calculator is used to perform the z test for two population means when population standard deviations are known.

Two sample t test hypothesis ( equal and unequal variance )

This calculator is used to perform the t test for two population means when population standard deviations are not known.

Two proportion z test hypothesis

The two proportion z test hypothesis calculator helps you perform a two proportion z test hypothesis on the population's proportion \( p_1 -p_2 \) . 

Regression Analysis

Regression analysis is a statistical method used to determine the relationship between one dependent variable and one or more independent variables. Below are few calculator which are useful while performing regression analysis 

Correlation coefficient

The correlation coefficient calculator is a tool that is used to calculate the correlation coefficient, which is denoted by r.

coefficient of determination

The coefficient of determination calculator is a tool that is used to calculate the coefficient of determination, which is denoted by \(r^2 \).

Regression equation

The regression equation calculator is a tool that is used to calculate the regression equation, which is denoted by \(\hat y \). The general form of regression equation is \( \hat y = a+bx \)


The covariance calculator is used to find the relationship between the two data sets by using the standard formula.

Sum of square error (SSE)

The SSE calculator is a tool that can be used to find out the deviation of the independent and dependent variables from the mean value.

Total Sum Of Square (SST)

The SST calculator is used to find the total sum of squares of a regression equation.

Standard deviation

Standard deviation calculator is used to find the sample standard deviation and population standard deviation based on the formula.

Mean, Median, Mode, Range, quartiles and interquartile range

This calculator is used to find the mean, median, mode, range, quartiles and interquartile range of the given data set. just enter the data and click on calculate button to see the output.


The quartiles calculator is used to find the quartiles for the given data set it also calculates interquartile range and outlier of the given data set.


The range calculator calculates the range based on the formula r = Max - min


The mid-range calculator calculates the midrange based on the formula mid-range = (Max + min)/2

Five number summary and outlier

This calculator provides five number i.e min, max, \( Q_1 \), \( Q_2 \) and \( Q_3 \)

Descriptive Statistics

Here are more calculator based on descriptive Statistics


In statistics, a distribution describes how values of a random variable are spread or distributed. It shows the possible values a variable can take and how often they occur.


We update more useful calculators. day by day, so visit our site daily to explore more calculators.

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