Regression equation Calculator:

The regression equation calculator is used to find the regression equation which is denoted by \( \mathrm{\hat{y}} \) or y. It also predict the values based on x.

How to use regression equation calculator

What is Linear Regression equation and its type

A regression equation is a mathematical model that describes the relationship between a dependent variable (y) and independent variables (x).

The regression equation is denoted by

\( \mathrm{ \hat{y} = a+bx } \) or \( \mathrm{ y = a+bx } \)

In this above equation a is the y-intercept and b is the slope

Types of Regression equation:

There are various types of regression equation depending on the nature of the dependent and independent variables:

  1. Linear Regression: Simplest form where the relationship between variables is linear.
  2. Multiple Regression Involves more than one independent variable.
  3. Polynomial Regression: Uses polynomial functions of the independent variables.
  4. Logistic Regression: Used when the dependent variable is categorical.

How to calculate regression equation by hand

Calculating a regression equation by hand involves several steps to derive the coefficients that define the relationship between variables. Here’s a step-by-step guide with example:

Find the regression equation of the following data set

\(\mathrm{x}\) 6 1 2 3
\(\mathrm{y}\) 4 5 7 1


Calculation table :

\(\mathrm{X}\) \(\mathrm{Y}\) \(\mathrm{X \times Y}\) \(\mathrm{X^{2} }\) \(\mathrm{Y^{2} }\)
6 4 36 16 24
1 5 1 25 5
2 7 4 49 14
3 1 9 1 3
\(\mathrm{\sum X = 12 }\) \(\mathrm{\sum Y = 17 }\) \(\mathrm{\sum X \times Y = 46 }\) \(\mathrm{\sum X^{2} = 50 }\) \(\mathrm{\sum Y^{2} = 91 }\)

Sum of squares for both X and Y :

\( \begin{align} \mathrm{SS_{x x}} &=\mathrm{\sum X^{2} -\frac{(\sum X)^{2}}{n}} \\ &=\text{50}-\frac{(\text{12})^{2}}{\text{4}} \\ &= \text{14} \end{align} \)

\( \begin{align} \mathrm{SS_{y y}} &=\mathrm{\sum Y^{2} -\frac{\sum Y^{2}} {n} } \\ &= \text{91}-\frac{\text{17}^2}{\text{4}} \\ &= \text{18.75} \end{align}\)

Sum of the cross-products between X and Y :

\( \begin{align} \mathrm{SS_{x y}} &=\mathrm{\sum XY - \frac{\sum X \times \sum Y}{n} } \\ &=\text{46}-\frac{\text{12} \times \text{17}}{\text{4}} \\ &= -\text{5} \end{align} \)

Now, lets calculate slope and y-intercept

Slope :

\( \begin{align} \mathrm{b} &=\mathrm{\frac{SS_{xy}}{SS_{x x}}} \\ &= \frac{ -\text{5} } { \text{14} } \\ &=-\text{0.3571} \end{align} \)


\( \begin{align} \mathrm{a} &=\mathrm{\bar{y} - b \times \bar{x}} \\ &=\text{4.25}- (-\text{0.357143}) \times \text{3} \\ &=\text{5.3214} \end{align} \)

Finally, we can formulate the least-squares regression line :

\( \mathrm{\hat{y}=\text{5.3214}+(-\text{0.3571}) x } \)

Interpretation :

This equation represents the best-fit line for our data, where \(\mathrm{\hat{y}}\) is the predicted Y-value for a given X-value.

Practical Applications of Regression Equations

Business Forecasting

Why Use Our regression equation calculator ?

The regression equation calculator is beneficial because it: